Ob'edinenie. Love gentle union

A gift-box designed in collaboration with OBDN online-gallery. It’s made for those moments when you have the need to express your feelings for someone. We believe that you don’t need a special occasion for that, but sometimes it’s difficult to come up with the right words and form. We tried to bring them to life.

The box includes a scarf, a set of stickers and a tactile art-object by artist Masha Egorova. Inspired by our collaboration with OBDN, we made our first AR-mask for Instagram which copies the print on our scarf. The gift-box is available for purchase on OBDN.RU; try out our mask at @redobureau.

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Alexander Nekrasov
Rita Antonova
Valentina Parshikova
Varya Toplennikova
Alena Kulikova
Faberlic Bioglow
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